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Resume Secretary

The secretary mainly is the assistant director / manager of the company. The functions of the secretary are very different: document handling, telephone calls, meetings and preparation, guests' invitations (which come to the company's business meeting), sometimes also possible on business trips. 

The secretary should be looks beautiful, as she/he must the extravagant shrinkage is great with the guests and the office staff. It should be literate, have a free and flexible word, be careful, focused, attentive to the computer (writing and minimal programs), etc. One of the most important responsibilities of the secretary's work is to do everything possible to save the manager's time. Sometimes, the secretary is entrusted with important and official documents (small businesses).

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We all know that the first time it is very difficult to correctly form a resume. Sometimes even for those who have already created a resume, sometimes have problems. If the job seeker has no experience, never minde, because you will have it from time to time. Resume, as they say, is your business card in search of a new job or profession.

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